April 16, 2009

Etude House Magic Bubble Peeling

120mL, $9000 won

分數: 4.0/5.0

這罐是 Etude House 店裡人氣No.1的產品﹐ 2008 年 9月份新出﹐ 泡沫狀能去角質的新產品~

第一次用的時候我還以為自己過敏!! 一放上面上已經覺得像強力消毒的感覺﹐ 原來我剛擠完豆豆﹐傷還未好... 市面上去角質的產品多得是﹐ 一般都是磨沙﹐ 乳液﹐ 啫喱狀﹐ 但是泡沫狀的我還是第一次見~

擠出來就是泡沫狀﹐ 有一種膠的味道﹐ 使用時皮膚要乾, 手也要乾~

把泡沫塗在面上﹐ 然後輕輕按摩慢慢會出現白色一粒粒的角質~~

按約 1 分鐘泡沫開始乾﹐
瓶子上說明要按 3分鐘... 再按有點兒要把皮膚拉來拉去了...

到最後用溫水把整下來的角質洗去﹐ 再塗上爽膚水﹐ 精華素跟乳液~

使用後皮膚不會感覺繃緊, 也沒有乾的感覺﹐ 看起還白了些o丫~ 建議在洗手間做﹐ 比較容易清理﹐ 角質會掉下來.

10/31/09 加上的用後感:
推出來的角質會在臉上的小毛髮停留著.... 好難洗掉... 我到最後用指甲刮才可以把白色一粒粒除走~


  1. ^^真的很有心機呢

  2. 我會試用最小 3 星期才寫用後感 =^.^=
    保養品會用久一點﹐ 2-3 個月~

  3. Hello! i'm from vancouver too and i'm going to Korea in May. Your blog is so helpful. I was originally searching up the gingseng mask, and you are so good at explaining on the price and getting samples and the product descriptions! I can't type Chinese on my laptop, sorry! I'm still a little worry since I don't know any Korean or Japanese and i'm hitting seoul and tokyo. Still, this is awesome, i'm gonna read around your blog to see where to go in Korea. the 明洞 place sounds like a good place to hit to buy skin care! You bought a lot of stuff haha. Anyways, I'm gonna be missing mothers day and dad/mom's birthday, so need ideas to buy souvineors and presents back! Alright, thanks again for the share again!!! :D

  4. Hi little n, omg you are going to Korea, can I pls ask you to help me buy something? I've missed some good products in Korea and it's so hard to get them now..ppl from HK will go to Korea, but I dunno how to pay them since they don't take PAYPAL but only deposit directly to their bank accounts.. sigh.. if you can help me, I can help you with anything you need to know for your trip to Korea as being thankful for your kindness =)
